
John Coene

I’m a software engineer, founder of Opifex


What it is

Vapour is a typed superset of the R programming language.

It’s very, very new, it’s buggy, and limited.


I thought about this 4 to 5 years ago, lead to pre-processing R code, an ISC submission but no funding.

I’ve tried and failed to create this multiple times over the years.

This is the first “successful” attempt.


Vapour aims to be to R what Typescript is to Javascript.

A slightly different syntax that produces valid R code.

The syntax and type system are inspired from Go: Go’s methods == R S3.

What it looks like

A glimpse of vapour.

type person: object {
 age: int,
 name: char 

func create(name: char): person {
  return person(name = name)

let john: person = create("John")


Frustrations (1)

The language should warn me of such problems in my code, not the users of my applications or packages.

  print("this will error")

Frustrations (2)

Though the function below looks fine it really isn’t.

foo <- \(x) x + 1

foo("hello") # error

foo() # unhandled error

Frustrations (3)

bar <- function(x) {
  if(x > 1) return()
  x + 42
  • What is x?
  • No explicit return
  • Return different types

Frustrations (4)

Can you translate that structure to any other language?

  x = 1,
  y = 2

Frustrations (Inf)

Methods and dots in identifier.

foo <- function(x) UseMethod("foo") <- function(x) x <- function(x) x <- function(x) UseMethod("") <- function(x) x

What even is this?

Preprocessing code

Dynamic languages Interpreted: R, Python, Javascript, etc.

Compiled languages Compiles to machine code: C, Go, Rust, …


Babel, uglify, etc.

How it works

1. Lexer

Code to array of meaningful characters.

Based on Go’s lexer for templating language, see Rob Pike’s presentation.

  • Character by character
  • States vs. switch
func (l *Lexer) Lex() {
    for state := lexDefault; state != nil; {
        state = state(l)

func lexComment(l *Lexer) stateFn {
    r := l.peek(1)
    for r != '\n' && r != token.EOF {
        r = l.peek(1)
    return lexDefault

2. Parser

Build the abstract syntax tree.

Pratt parser based on Thorsten’s Writing An Interpreter In Go

Based on operator precedence: 1 + 2 * 5

const (
    _ int = iota
    EQUALS      // ==
    LESSGREATER // > or <
    SUM         // +
    PRODUCT     // *
    PREFIX      // -X or !X
    CALL        // call(X)

3. Type checker

Traverses the tree to implements numerous checks:

  • Types
  • Declarations
  • Use
  • Missing check
  • more …

4. Transpiler

Traverses the tree to convert vapour AST to valid R code.

func addOne(x: int = 41): int {
  return x + 1

addOne <- function(x = 41) {
  return(x + 1)


How to use

Install vapour, setup editor.

  1. Write code in .vp file
  2. Run vapour -infile=file.vp

(Quick) Demo