class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # {Waiter} ## Shiny user feedback with waiter ### John Coene ### 13-03-2020 --- .centerize[ # What is it? Programmatically show and hide partial or full page loading screens in your shiny applications. 👇 <div class="sk-circle"> <div class="sk-circle1 sk-child"></div> <div class="sk-circle2 sk-child"></div> <div class="sk-circle3 sk-child"></div> <div class="sk-circle4 sk-child"></div> <div class="sk-circle5 sk-child"></div> <div class="sk-circle6 sk-child"></div> <div class="sk-circle7 sk-child"></div> <div class="sk-circle8 sk-child"></div> <div class="sk-circle9 sk-child"></div> <div class="sk-circle10 sk-child"></div> <div class="sk-circle11 sk-child"></div> <div class="sk-circle12 sk-child"></div> </div> ] --- class: inverse .centerize[ # Why Bother?! ## <span style="color:white;">It's just aesthetics...</span> <div class="spinner"> <div class="bounce1"></div> <div class="bounce2"></div> <div class="bounce3"></div> </div> ] --- .centerize[ # A lesson from an ad man  *Rory Sutherland* ] --- # Perception of time -- ... on the London Tube -- .pull-left[ Faster more frequent trains 😢  *Photo by Pau Casals on Unsplash* ] -- .pull-right[ Dot-display matrices 😄  *Photo by Mat Reding on Unsplash* ] --- class: inverse .centerize[ # Why? .pull-left[ 💨 ## <span style="color:white">9 minutes of <span style="text-decoration:underline;color:#7fff7f;">certainty</span></span> ] .pull-right[ 🕒 ## <span style="color:white">4 minutes of <span style="text-decoration:underline;color:#ff7f7f;">uncertainty</span></span> ] ] --- .centerize[ ## {waiter} can be the dot-display matrix of your app <div class="spinnerZ"> <div class="dot1"></div> <div class="dot2"></div> </div> Keep the user in the know, <span style="text-decoration:underline;">induce patience</span>. ] --- class: inverse .centerize[ # <span style="color:white">It's not "just aesthetics"</span> <div class="spinneroo"> <div class="rect1"></div> <div class="rect2"></div> <div class="rect3"></div> <div class="rect4"></div> <div class="rect5"></div> </div> # <span style="color:white">It serves a <span style="text-decoration:underline;">purpose</span></span> ] --- .centerize[ # It's true of charts—and shiny applications  *[Glamour of Graphics]( by William Chase - RStudio Conf 2020* ] --- # Deeper Implications -- .pull-left[ ## London Tube 🚋 Faster trains = <span style="color:#cc6565;">expensive</span> 📺 Dot display matrices = <span style="color:#65cc65 ;">cheap</span> ] -- .pull-left[ ## Shiny apps 💻 Faster app = <span style="color:#cc6565;">difficult</span> 🕐 Loading screen = <span style="color:#65cc65 ;">easy</span> ] -- .centerize[ <br/><br/> ## Making your shiny app run fast<span style="text-decoration:underline;">er</span> is difficult<br/><br/>regardless of your level of proficiency with R. ] --- .centerize[ # {waiter} ## doesn't actually make it run faster ## It makes it <span style="text-decoration:underline;">feel</span> faster ] --- .centerize[ # False Dichotomy It's not one or the other: do both! .pull-left[ 1.5 seconds to load  ] .pull-right[ 3 seconds to load  ] ] --- class: inverse .centerize[ # <span style="color:white">Waiter</span> <div class="spinner2"></div> ```r install.packages("waiter") # CRAN remotes::install_github("JohnCoene/waiter") # Dev ``` ] --- # Basics .pull-left[ ```r library(shiny) library(waiter) ui <- fluidPage( # dependencies * use_waiter(), actionButton("render", "Render chart"), plotOutput("chart") ) server <- function(input, output) { # initialise * w <- Waiter$new(id = "chart") output$chart <- renderPlot({ input$render * w$show() Sys.sleep(2) hist(runif(100)) }) } shinyApp(ui, server) ``` ] .pull-right[  It hides when the element at `id` re-renders, works with any `render*` function. Otherwise use the `hide` method. ] --- .centerize[ # Demo []( ] --- class: inverse .centerize[ ## <span style="color:white">Useful Links</span> <div class="sk-chase"> <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div> <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div> <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div> <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div> <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div> <div class="sk-chase-dot"></div> </div> <span style="color:white;">Docs:</span> []( <span style="color:white;">Demo:</span> []( ] --- class: inverse .centerize[ # <span style="color:white">THANK YOU</span> <img src="" height=200> [](  []( <br/> <span style="color:white">💻</span> <span style="color:white">🐦 @jdatap</span> ]